Who We Are and What We Do

Our school, Intermediate School 235, Academy for New Americans is a Queens boroughwide program in Community School District 30, provides a one year programmatic option designed to assist newly arrived immigrant students who need to develop English language proficiency, adapt successfully to their new environment, and cope effectively with the many challenges that accompany immigration to New York City. Our school provides an excellent array of educational, counseling, and human services on a transitional basis to help meet the linguistic, academic,
social emotional and other needs of its students and their families.
We offer English as a New Language (ENL) program and Spanish Transitional Bilingual Education
(TBE) Programs in grades 6, 7, and 8 to address the diverse learning needs of our students. Our
instructional team plans theme-based units that align with Next Generation Learning Standards, amplify
Core Curriculum in different subject areas, incorporate evidence-based ENL strategies, utilize New York
City as our classroom to build students’ language proficiency and literacy skills, and content knowledge.
Home language support and foundational literacy instructions are employed to support students at their
levels. Students’ voices, languages, cultures, and identities are recognized and celebrated in their daily
I.S. 235 is the place to be. Everyone is welcomed here. When you are here, you are home.